Frequently Asked Questions

Visitor Identification

How long does it take to get set up?

Once we have access to your website, ESP, Google, Meta, & DNS, we will have data flowing into your marketing channels in 1 week if not less

Where does the data live? In your platform or ours?

We stream data into our clients’ marketing platforms and CRM  for them to use directly.

If we decide to stop working together, do we keep the data?


Can Unifers do attribution?

Yes,Our platform offers multiple attribution windows to allow our clients’ to match what best fits their internal reporting model. 

Device Identification

What is device identification?

Device identification is the process of collecting various signals from a device, user, browser, and more to create and assign a unique identifier to that device. The methods and technologies used to collect these signals can vary.

How is your accuracy rate defined?

We define our accuracy by how many returning visitors to a site we successfully identify as returning visitors, not new ones. So, for example, a 99% accuracy rate would mean we correctly identified 990 out of 1000 returning visitors on any site.

What types of companies do you typically work with?

Unifers works with companies of all sizes and industries like e-commerce, financial services, travel, gaming,  and more across many regions, 

How does Unifers pricing structure accommodate varying API call volumes?

We have tiered self-serve plans that scale by the number of API calls per month 

Should we implement Uniers on specific pages, every page, or the first page where a visitor lands?

The specific use case determines where Unifers should be implemented.  identifying visitors should be at the discretion of Customers

How do you count users? For example, if the same person comes in multiple times with the same visitor ID does that count as multiple API calls?

Yes, every time the identification API is called to generate a visitor ID, even if for the same user, it will count towards the API call volume. This is because every time it’s called, our servers need to process it regardless of whether it’s a new or existing ID.

What can you do with a visitor ID once Unifers generates it?

A visitor ID is a unique identifier for each visitor or user on a website. Websites can use the visitor ID for improving user  personalizing the user experience , uthentication, fraud detection, fraud prevention odepending on the need of the specific system or application.

Privacy, Security, & Legal ?

Does Unifers Device ID collect PII?

Fingerprint’s service uses IP address which may be considered as PII depending on the regulations and/or laws under which your business operates. We do not collect other signals that are considered PII. Fingerprint also collects the URL from the page where signals are collected. We can configure your Fingerprint environment to hash the URL and use pseudonymized IP addresses upon request.

Does Unifers Visitor ID collect PII?

We have a cross-device identity graph that ties users to all of their devices, browsers, contact information, demographics, and consumer attributes without having to rely on cookies. We work with dozens of data providers to aggregate this consumer data to build out consumer personas that we pass to our clients.

Is Unifers Vistor ID CCPA compliant?

Yes, Fingerprint can be used in compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Where the CCPA applies, you are the “business” with respect to any personal information collected in connection with the Unifers  service, and Unifers processes such data as the “service provider,” as outlined in the CCPA data processing addendum. As a business, it is your responsibility to comply with the CCPA requirements applicable to businesses.

wever, whether you need consent depends on where and how you implement and use Unifers. We recommend consulting your legal team to determine the best approach to addressing privacy requirements.